Wednesday, March 21, 2012

End of the Line.

I know in all my blog posts lately I have been overexaggerating the need to eat healthier. I'm sorry. I sound like a health nut (I am) But it's just a challenge folks. Because I care. I care if you have a heart attack at the age of thirty five. I don't want you to. So I'm writing these posts because I don't want you to go crazy with the hostess or Little Debbie and later regret it. So really it's just a challenge. To be better. To be healthier. It works. Your life will be better. Your attitude will be better. Trust me. Be you! Just healthier!

That's My Life.

Who eats meat?

The other day I heard a little diddy explaining that you can go your entire life without eating meat. Weird right? I mean who doesn't like a good steak every once in a while? But it's pretty interesting. And it makes me think. (I don't know about the rest of you) what if I didn't eat meat? Because you can get your fats and proteins from other sources. And odds are they will be better for you any way. But I wanna know. Who eats meat? And what are the benefits you see? I also wanna know. Who doesn't eat meat? Why not? And what are the benefits you see?

To wrap up this post I have included the Bacon Explosion. Despite the fact that I'm considering going vegitarian, I'm going to try this one day. No doubt about it. Just look at it.

Bacon wrapped in sausage wrapped in bacon. Smothered in bbq sauce. *drool*
And hopefully, one of these summer bbq party days...that will be in my tummy to forever be in....

My life.

Miracle in a Citrus.

Everyone seen this?

It's an orange. Just in case.
While doing my little research project, I read that Vitamin C (located in oranges) can basically CURE the common cold. For serious folks. Now it's a long a complicated process involving biology and bodily functions that I'm not good at, but it practically can. So think about it. If an orange can cure the common cold, what can other veggies/fruits do? Think about it. Does it make you wanna change?

That's my life.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Food is delicious. And can be nutritious.

           So who doesn't love food? Crazy people. People love food. We need food. We eat food. Food Food Food. But guess what? Not only can your food be delicious, it can be nutritious! Yay! See this?

Mmmm. Look at that cake.

It's raw. Ever heard of a raw food diet?  It's where dieters do not cook their food over a certain degree. See that cake. Guess what? Because it was not cooked over a certain degree it has certain ingredients. Those certain ingredients are GOOD FOR YOU. I probably just blew your mind right there. Now I'm not saying you have to go on a raw food diet to be healthy and eat chocolate cake. What I'm saying is, don't think that because you're going on a diet and want to be healthy doesn't mean you can't eat those things. Because you can. All it takes is a little effort.

That's my Life.

Are Americans FAT?

       Yes. Yes we kind of are. Sorry. But why? I will tell you. We are Go, Go, Go, all the time. And so we eat fast and relatively convenient. What is fast and convenient? Fat Foo....I mean FAST food resturants! And they are unhealthy. Besides, a banana is a heck of a lot more convenient than a burger. So I have a challenge. Try to eat healthy. Challenge yourself to go a week without eating fast food. And if you must, Eat Subway! (good for you Subway. Not just a bacon sandwhich loaded with calories in dressing form) And I realize that I sound preachy and all blah blah blah and food healthy food and organic blah blah blah, but listen to me. Listen to the facts. You are what you eat. So why do you wanna eat fatty? So you can be a fatty? NO. Eat healthy to be healthy. I do which makes this.....

My life.

Monday, March 5, 2012

What doesn't kill you makes you Stronger.

       Has everyone heard that song? You know the one by Kelly Clarkson? If not, you can find it here. How it's all womanly and "Go Me!"'s a great song. Well guess what? Organic food, doesn't kill you. It makes you stronger. BAM.
                  I did a research project. On Health Food. And how everything we eat affects us. Because it does. (Newsflash to some) And, in my little diddy of a report I reported on how food can be used medicinally. Crazy right? Well it can. Researching for my research project (tee hee) I read countless stories on how people with diseases ate organic food and/or switched to a raw food diet and were CURED. Insanity! But for real. What happened is people decided to take their illness into their own hands by eating right and healthy. And almost instantly they saw results.  For instance this woman found out she had developed Skin Cancer. After being a nurse for many years, she knew that medicines would not work. So she switched to an organic diet. In a matter of months her skin cancer had virtually disappeared and she has never gone back to conventional food. Amazing.
          Now I'm not saying that this works for every one. But think of the possibilites! If it can work for some isn't it worth a try? Eating a little healthier to be a little healthier? What we eat affects us. I'm serious. So I challenge every one in the blogger world (or those not in it and just happened to stumble upon this little blog of mine) to eat healthier! Be healthy! Be Fit! Eat right! You hear these things all the time. So why not this time....try it.

That's my Life.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Organic Vs. Conventional


Picture found here.
 This has been a controversy for years. What do you think? Is organic food worth it? Would you like to spend more money on a simple apple just because it has a nifty "USDA Organic" sticker on it?

Seen this before?
So what's the difference in organic food? Some might argue that all food is organic because it was grown. Not true folks. This is not the case. There are many differences. For example:

Chart found here.
But do people really care about pesticides and fertilizers? The answer is YES. And YOU should TOO! Studies have been done over and over again testing the nutritional value of organic foods. And guess what? They win EVERY TIME. Organic foods have more nutritional value, less contamination and they are all around better. So why the high prices? When discussing switching our family from conventional food to organic, my mother disagrees with me. The main reason? PRICE. We have a large family; it's pricey enough to buy food, so she doesn't want to spend extra just to get the same food. But what people don't know. It's NOT the same. *Organic food farmers take extra time with their crops to keep them healthy. They take extra precautions to make sure their food is the best product they can produce.Time and Money. Both very precious things. Now, I do believe that there are people who claim food to be organic just to make it a higher price. Unfortunately, you can't protect yourself from those. But if you are eating real organic food, kudos to you. Organic food is best. Amen to the rest.

*I'm not an expert on organic or conventional food. I just did a little research and found out for myself. You should do. 

Thursday, March 1, 2012

What do YOU eat?

       Recently I've gotten into health food. Raw food diets, vegetarians, vegans, locavores. I love food, and learning about it. The whole topic interests me. How by going on a raw food diet can cure your diseases!  And what's up with the whole Organic vs. Conventional thing? So I'm here to ask you one question. What do YOU eat? and WHY? Is is solely on the taste? Or is it health reasons? WHY do you eat your food?

Thursday, December 22, 2011

DIY is where it's at.

For those of you who don't blog or look at pinterest or are crafty in any way, First of all. You're missing out. Second, DIY stands for "Do It Yourself" and that's what my post will showcase today. My crafts and how I do them. Myself.  (and also my passion
            I like crafts. I like sewing. (strangely I found this new passion) and one of my best friends is a hot glue gun. (Yes. I know) Aaaaand seeing as how I'm fifteen and without employment, I'm poor. But I still like cute things. Like gloves. Door hangy thingys. Rings. Bracelets. Necklaces. Headbands. Flowers. I like them. But they get expensive. So! With this amazing concept of "Doing it Yourself" I have created things for myself! Go me! And it's cheap and requires things I already own. Like a glue gun. And fabric scraps. 'Tis grand.
         I WOULD post pictures of all the cute things I have made. But frankly, it is too hard to figure out and my good computer to do that has crashed. So you don't get to see my amazing creations with my amazing creative nature. Any who....I just wanted to write this post to explain to y'all my passion for crafts. If you don't like crafts, that's really a shame. If you like spending money and buying everything and wasting away creative juices you probably have, that too, is a shame. But I'm here to help! Go to Pinterest. That will get your creative juices aflowin' and there are so many good ideas for things! Like ways to display pictures and wreaths and necklaces and how to make a t-shirt into a cute wrap vest thingy and how to make fabric flowers.
          Any who. The jist is I like crafts. And I like doing them. Myself. And I like Pinterest. Ask my best friend Emily. She KNOWS. So, to make your life fun and charming, Do crafts as well! Yay!
                                                        That's my Life.


Tuesday, December 6, 2011


I lost. My ipod. This is definately something to blog about. It's that important. I live for music. I Need my ipod. I'm not irresponsible. I don't lose things. But, my ipod is gone. 'Tis tragic my friends. I can't be lulled to sleep by the sweet instrumental music in my "Dreams" playlist. I can't get pumped up when I work out and run. I can't live. My ipod. Is gone.
                                That's my Life.